Selasa, 19 Juni 2012

negative effects of smoking

for most people may be smoking is a necessity. Many people who do not smoke if one day the body felt stiff and powerless. These conditions are included in the category of addiction. It can be very dangerous because cigarettes contain substances that are toxic and if the substances are inhaled or consumed by the body can cause diseases such as asthma, angina, lung cancer and health problems such as those listed on the packs of cigarettes .

Smoking habit has existed in society since she was a teenager. Factor of my friends and the neighborhood is considered as the main factor that contributed to the desire to smoke. A young man or even the kids will feel honored or feel socially regarded as brave heroes to smoke. Factors curious and would like to challenge young people have considered other factors that cause a person smoking. Families and parents also have a major impact leading to the smoking habit for children. Is not funny when parents forbid their children who like to smoke to smoke. Because, basically, the nature of the children are to imitate, then the child will tend to imitate the habits of those around him, including smoking habits.

The main content of cigarettes include carbon monooksida (CO) which can result in reduced ability of blood to carry oxygen, TAR that can damage lung cells and cause cancer, nicotine which causes heart disease and blood circulation disorders, and other substances that are toxic to body. When people smoke, the nicotine will be accepted by the body through nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, which then distributed the reward pathway and adrenergic pathways. On the return path will cause effects pleasure, peace of mind, suppress appetite and enhance its nature spurred think the dopaminergic system. While the track will increase sorotin adregenik the cause of pleasure and the desire to smoke again. Nicotine addiction is what causes people and difficult to stop smoking.

Chemical substances contained in cigarettes is very harmful to the body. Not only does it cause various health disorders, smoking can also ruin your appearance. Among them is the color of pale skin, sagging skin, embossed lines around the lips, wrinkles, broken teeth and gums, yellow fingers, hair loss and mouth cancer. Cigarette smoke also cause a variety of disorders of the eye, which causes eye irritation, eye cataracts and wrinkles such as crow's feet. Not only ruin the appearance from the outside, smoking can also cause damage to the inside of our bodies. Among them is the cause of bone fragility, decreased stamina and reproductive capacity, and premature menopause.

In addition to self-injurious to health, smoking is also harmful to the environment and ecosystem. Exhaled smoke cigarettes smoked each contain hazardous materials such as cadmium, arsenic and lead that cause air pollution. These substances can also contaminate ground water because if exposed to water for 1 hour of such substances will leach and contaminate ground water. Half of the fish are exposed to this substance will die within hours. Poultry animals will think Punting cigarettes as a result of food so much damage to the respiratory tract of animals encountered this kind of dying young. Smoking also resulted in more than 4500 cases of fires that occurred in the world for 1 year.

The problem is, the air containing cigarette smoke, and you suck, it would be detrimental to health, because cigarette smoke contains many harmful substances, including:

Contain chemicals that are toxic, so damage lung cells and led to cancer.

Carbon Monoxide (CO)
Toxic gases which can result in reduced ability of blood to carry oxygen.

One type of stimulant drugs that can damage the heart and blood circulation, making the wearer nicotine addiction.

During recent years, scientists have proven that the chemicals contained in cigarette smoke can affect people not to smoke around him. Passive smoking may increase the risk of lung cancer and coronary heart disease. More than that other people inhale cigarette smoke may worsen the condition of people with the disease:

Chest pain due to narrowing of blood vessels in the heart.

Experience difficulty in breathing.

Irritation from cigarette smoke.

The symptoms of health problems:
eye irritation, headache, dizziness, sore throat, cough and shortness of breath.
Pregnant women who smoke or secondhand smoke, meyalurkan toxins from cigarette smoke to the fetus through the bloodstream. Nicotine cigarettes cause fetal heart rate increases rapidly, causing carbon monoxide berkurangya received by the fetus of oxygen. Children whose parents smoke are more likely to encounter suffering from chest pains, ear infections, nose and throat. And they've got twice as likely to be hospitalized in the first year of life mereka.Banyak people know the dangers of smoking, but not much matter. See the dangers that can arise cigarettes, presumably of us need to work together to do three main things:

    Communication and information about the dangers of smoking, both for the smoker directly or second-hand smoke.
    Provide special places for people who smoke to nonsmokers not exposed to the negative impacts.
    Do not be reluctant to reprimand a smoker, if you feel annoyed

According Dentalhealthsite, there are some bad effects of smoking on oral health:

A. Tooth color changes
Smokers usually have teeth yellowish stain. And they are not the result menyedari not smoking it. Keep in mind that stains the teeth caused by nicotine and tar contained in cigarettes. Stain the teeth are very difficult to remove with regular toothbrush. Hence, there is a toothpaste ad specifically for smokers.

2. Cause bad breath odor
Well, if that is definite and non-smokers can smell cigarette menhgenalinya as typical. Again, nicotine and tar cause. In addition, the activity of smoking can cause a dry mouth that causes bad breath.

3. Causes of dental caries
Well, dental caries is caused by a greater than smoking. If smoking is also terminated the megrim will continue to accumulate and lead to dental caries.

4. Cause of gum disease
Plaque and tartar which can cause the disease continues to accumulate and disrupt the normal function of cells in the gum tissue of the smoker.

5. Cause tooth dislodged
Well, if you have severe gum disease may be acute alias teeth fall out.

6. Lead to oral cancer
This is the most frightening consequences for smokers. As knowledge alone, 90 percent of oral cancer patients are smokers.

In addition to the six adverse effects of smoking on oral health at the top, there are some side effects that smoking is harmful to the smoker, among others, the jaw bone loss, shifting gears, hairy tongue, sinusitis, change the sensitivity of the senses of taste and smell, slow wound healing, and lips looks black.

In smoking can worsen existing dental conditions. The more smoke, the chances of gum disease becomes greater. This is caused by the body's defense system and the ability to heal itself weakened in smokers.

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